Friday, November 20, 2009

I can start blogging!

I suppose this should be the part where I begin informing the vast sea of intellectuals who read my blog daily about all of my important conquest and adventures.

I suppose now would be the time to introduce myself and who I am, propel that into the blogosphere, and wait for other bloggers to respond.

And I imagine that were I to do so, I would become very popular in the blog-world and my respectable followers would in turn be made members of an elite club whose purpose is only to maintain the rarity of its membership.

Maybe later.


1 comment:

  1. I am proud to be the first of what promisses to be thousands of intellectuals (and not)who will surely flock to this page for sage and timely wisdom, adventures and wittiness. I, too, will shortly be venturing into the Netherworld of blogging, on the advice of my media consultant, for the shamelessly capitalistic purpose of building a law practice.
